Another Facebook ban…

I just went on a little weekend campout vacation with my girlfriend and had the greatest time..

I didn’t even use my phone all weekend. It was shut off and locked in the glove box and I never even thought of getting it out.

I come home from a wonderful weekend with my love and went to use Facebook this morning so I can make a post about the camp out and how much fun I had in to thank the organisers and evidently Facebook ban me 2 days ago while I was on vacation and not even using their service.

I guess, because of the pandemic, the algorithm and the human review team are running way behind on Facebook bulshit right now and they we’re a little slow at getting to banning me…

As you may remember, from my last Facebook rant on here oh, I was recently banned for 30 days. I wasn’t even back on the service a full two weeks and the review team found a comment I made in a private Facebook post where I was explaining to a friend of mine why they suspended me the last time..

The algorithm to hit that and call it hate speech or bullying, and ban me for another 30 days.

so now, on Facebook, you can’t even talk about being suspended or banned from Facebook without the stupid algorithm grabbing your comments and accusing you of hate speech and harassment and bullying and kicking you right back off the service again..

Talkin about a joke got me banned twice…

I know that from the screen capture it doesn’t look good but I was literally just describing what happened last time and they hit me for it again. So that’s literally two times I got banned for 30 days over the same joke that I told 3 months ago..

it is what it is. I don’t know. I’m just tired of everything I do meaning that I get exiled from society for another fucking month..

you know, it is the middle of a pandemic, and I don’t get a chance to socialize or talk to other people very often, so the internet is really the only place I have to keep my mental health in check and I quite literally don’t even have the option of doing that because every single solitary friend of mine is on Facebook and I am not allowed to use that service to have contact with anybody for months at a time during a pandemic because three months ago I made a joke about shooting a white guy in the face..

the white guy in question may have been the American president but it doesn’t matter because I didn’t get a national security warning I got bullying and hate speech warnings..

Meanwhile in the two weeks I was allowed to use Facebook over the last three months I reported three different groups that were sexually exploiting minors. Facebook did not shut down or remove these groups or remove any of the almost nude images of severely underaged children.

So evidently when old white guys want to sexually exploited children that is a protected form of expression that Facebook will not remove from their service, but if I make a joke about wanting to shoot the president then I’m a bully and I get kicked off for a month for harassment and if I try to explain my side of the situation to anybody I get an additional 30 days of suspension..

it is beyond clear to me that the human response team to the Facebook algorithm is completely fucking transphobic as hell and goes out of their way to deem things bullying and harassment even when they’re not if a trans person is the one saying it.

Today I decided to push this situation. I am sick and tired of the harassment from Facebook. So I closed my app and I opened up my internet browser and I went to Facebook and I found the report an issue link. And I will let those motherfukers have it. I probably voice to texted seven or eight paragraphs into that little box.

I fully explained the entire situation from beginning to end including being suspended from Facebook two times for 30 days a piece for the exact same offense. And I threatened them with legal action if they do not remove the child pronography from their servers.

at this point I don’t even want them to unlock my account and allow me to use it again. Fuc Facebook. Fuc the human review team. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg, and fuck every single person who thinks it’s okay to share sexually explicit photos of minors..

that’s all I have to say about this for right now but I’m sure I’ll be back later..

Facebook is transphobic (6-17-2020)

(full disclosure– I am writing this moments after catching a 30-day ban for defending my right not to be called “dude, man, or bro” against cisgender people in the comment sections of Facebook.)

Facebook has continuously used there community standards as an excuse to baning the accounts of transgender people when they speak up for themselves..

Here’s their “policy” on hate speech.

12. Hate Speech

We do not allow hate speech on Facebook because it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion and in some cases may promote real-world violence.

We define hate speech as a direct attack on people based on what we call protected characteristics — race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, and serious disease or disability.

We protect against attacks on the basis of age when age is paired with another protected characteristic, and also provide certain protections for immigration status.

We define attack as violent or dehumanizing speech, statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation. We separate attacks into three tiers of severity, as described below.

Sometimes people share content containing someone else’s hate speech for the purpose of raising awareness or educating others. In some cases, words or terms that might otherwise violate our standards are used self-referentially or in an empowering way.

People sometimes express contempt in the context of a romantic break-up.

Other times, they use gender-exclusive language to control membership in a health or positive support group, such as a breastfeeding group for women only.

In all of these cases, we allow the content but expect people to clearly indicate their intent, which helps us better understand why they shared it. Where the intention is unclear, we may remove the content.

We allow humor and social commentary related to these topics. In addition, we believe that people are more responsible when they share this kind of commentary using their authentic identity.


I would like to take a moment right now to highlight part of their definition of HATE SPEECH..

“We define hate speech as a direct attack on people based on what we call protected characteristics — race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, and serious disease or disability.”

This is where I’d like to call bullshit..

since I first came out as transgender I have probably been through at least 10 different Facebook accounts already because people keep reporting me and getting me kicked off of Facebook because of my gender/gender identity.

I cannot even count how many times I’ve been told to kill myself on Facebook in public comment sections. I’ve reported these people. And Facebook always, every single fucking time, send me back a help desk ticket saying that their speech is protected speech.

Even though it is clearly stated in their own terms of service that hate speech is not allowed so, they only ever seem to enforce this against trans people and never in our favor.

if Facebook actually gave a fuck about transgender people, and our mental health, they would not go out of their way to restrict our accounts or they honest from their servers altogether when all we’re trying to do is defend ourselves against the cishet normative.

If you say, “men are trash” on Facebook you will most definitely get in trouble.

But if you tell a trans woman to kill herself you have speech protections from Facebook.

You can try to call bullshit on this all day but the fact of the matter is, I would still be on my original Facebook account if I never spoke up for myself and never defended myself against cisgender dudebros when they tell me to go kill myself.

Today, I was reported for hate speech to Facebook because I told cisgender people that they need to do better, and stop referring to trans people as bro, dude, man when they ask you to.

It has been scientifically proven time and time again that when a transgender woman has dysphoric issues around these words that, continuing to call her these things is actually doing damage to her mental health.

but evidently saying, on Facebook,

“Cisgender people who refuse to stop calling trans women man, bro, dude are pieces of fucking shit”

Has been deemed hate speech buy Facebook by way of their banning transgender accounts.

so if you are thinking to yourself, well, Facebook has and acting it out the rhythm to help them take care of matters of hate speech and maybe the algorithm caught you by mistake..

And that’s a perfectly rational and logical thing to believe.

Except that there was absolutely no way to refute anything.

I never even got a notification that my comments were under review or in question.

No warning

No way to refute anything

No, “I disagree, submit for review” button.


Which is really odd because anytime I’ve ever had problems with Facebook there has almost always been a button where I could submit for review. Except for when they kick me off for defending myself for being trans. These are the only times I’ve ever had Facebook not give me a submit for review button.

I find it weird that, in the middle of pride month, it is that easy for them to ban in lgbtq member without any regards to their right to face the accuser or at least have a submit for review button. Or anything.

hate speech groups are alive and well on Facebook. They are everywhere. I don’t have time to get into all of that, but if you were wanting to know more about the undercover hate groups that Facebook says are completely not against any of their terms of service for community standards then I recommend you read this article..

Inside hate groups on Facebook, police officers trade racist memes, conspiracy theories and Islamophobia

Because after I read that I had to actually take a few moments to wrap my head around what I had just read.

You can try to find these groups and report them all you want, but Facebook will protect their rights to free speech every fucking day.

But if you tell a cisgender person there a piece of shit for refusing to acknowledge you properly then you can catch a 30-day ban for hate speech.

It’s painfully obvious that the people who review this stuff for Facebook are cisgender males with their feelers hurt because they don’t like transgender people standing up for themselves.

I’m not asking for special treatment. I’m asking for equal treatment for everyone.

If I can’t call a cisgender person a piece of shit after they call me dude 37 times after I’ve told them not to. Then these scumbag cops that share islamophobic memes on Facebook need to have their account shut down for 30 days to for the heat speech that they share.

It’s only right, it’s only fair, and it is part of their terms of service and community standards.

if Facebook isn’t going to enforce their community standards to every account equally, then they shouldn’t try to enforce them at all. because they obviously have some scumbags on their review team who think that it’s okay okay to only enforce these community standards against minorities in the community and people that identify as lgbtqia+

This is all I have to say about that right now, I might add more to this later.


This 1 time, At a College in Nebraska. (03\09\2019)

So, just to put it out there off the top.
I was not enrolled into this college, 
nor was I out as a transgender person.
So pic me as a skinny, tall, awkward stoner that wasn’t a burn out.

I was dating Kris. Early 20’s college girl.
I was early 20’s as well.
She lived in a high-rise dorm it was separated by floor. (Guys floor, Girls floor.) Kris’s room was up on the 4th, or 5th Floor. It was a “suite” style room setup where there was 2 separate rooms with a shared restroom between them.

Just before I met Kris, I entered into a rental agreement with Kevin, a stoner friend, to rent a room in his trailer so his sister didn’t move in with him, and force him back in the closet. Kevin’s family would not acknowledge he was a gay man, so he never learned how to talk about it without shame. but that’s another story..

So I meet Kris. we start fuckin, and therefore hanging out a lot to get stoned together and fuck more. We were at a real messed up spot in our respective lives, I came to realize later.
Kris went to the local college, whose call to sports fame is the ladies volleyball team. Kris’ room mate quit, so she had 1 side all to herself. The suite mate girls were preppy, mid-west, milk-toast ass Beckies with no class.

just bitter white girls that loved to snitch.

I remember that at one point they would call the R.A. or floor monitor, or whatever. (just an upper class man with no real power but to snitch if you’re a pain in the ass.) whenever they thought i was there, but I was gone every time.
One day I got a wrapping paper tube, they left their window open & left for class. I knew thew got back at 2:45, on M, W, & F.. so at 2:30 I blew bong rips thru their window because who would see or ever suspect it? And the “It blew in the window” Would never work. And to top it off I knew they ALWAYS kept their bathroom door locked and i double checked it. So the second Kris heard them come in she called the R.A. I just left to go to the Taco-Bell in the food court “commons” area.

We later found out that since they were always snitchin and I wasn’t there, Plus the weed smoke, it got them kicked out of the building.
Heard they got separated and put on separate floor in the other dorm tower, but I don’t know if its true or not.

So this was the closest thing to “going to college” I did…
It was a lot of fun for a while. Kris & I bought a $5,000 trailer home from this little old lady and got out of the dorms asap. but that’s story for another day…



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HRT – Day 1 (11-14-18)

Yep, I did it.

Started Male to Female HRT today.

I’ve already heard it multiple times today.

“Today is the first day

of the rest of your life.”

And you know what, I’m not ashamed to say that I’m buying into it Hook line & sinker.

I just started today. Day one. Dose one.

I know that if I feel any changes in less than the first week and a half, that those changes are most likely psychosomatic.

And I’m totally cool with that.

Honestly, I had to do this. If I did not start very soon then I probably would have became suicidal or worse. I’ve been feeling like an alien in my own skin for 30+ now, and I couldn’t take it much longer.

I want to take a few minutes at the end of this post to thank all of my friends and family who have stood by me through the last several years. You’ve encouraged me. Shown me that I mean something in your life. If it wasn’t for you all I don’t even know if I would have made it this far.

I love you. Thank you for being my friend, chosen family, and accepting me into your community.

I know that in today’s political climate it can’t be easy to be in accepting, & loving Ally to transgender people, without catching 6 shades of shit from ‘some’ people.

~Much Love~


Afterburn picnic, & work. (10-01-18)

Even though we are living through a point in time where a lot of people I know are scared of what may happen, at any time… the current Administration… The current trials on TV… All the people coming forward with their rape stories…

For me, somedays it feels like the entire world is just crumbling down around us and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop the destruction…

You wouldn’t think it, but…


Things have been pretty decent for me lately.

A few years back, my brother used to flip houses, & I did some work for him for a little bit. I learned more of the trade that I didn’t already know by that point. So I put that knowledge to good use, & I have been helping people with rehab projects around their home or other properties.

I had all but given up on finding a normal job when this sorta fell into my lap. So, lately I have sort of went into business for myself, and been making a decent little bit of money. Not a lot of money by any stretch of the imagination. But I’m getting by.

So there’s, that..

In other news…

(personal life)

I was recently approached by somebody I’ve known for 10+ years about a possible roommate situation.

I wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about it at first. But I met with the person and we hung out for a while and we talked about their expectations, & what mine should be & things of that nature.

I feel like the meeting went pretty well. And I am seriously considering the offer.

I might be making a fairly huge life announcement within the next few months. I know I haven’t been blogging quite as often as I used to, so to know that maybe going to be some pretty huge announcements coming up was hard for me to hold back during my last post.

You have been warned!


(afterburn picnic)

My Gateway Burners fam. at this year’s afterburn picnic.

Had a great time hanging out at the park that day with my friends and family. It really was a good time. Everybody brought their kids, some people even brought their pets. I had my electric bike there and was kind of showing it off to a few people. I really did have a good time. It was, what do you call it, where everybody brings a dish… Potluck! It was potluck style. So there was so many different types of food and snacks and desserts and chips and stuff there.

But more importantly, the people. There was so many people that I hardly ever get to see but maybe two or three times a year that made it out for the picnic. That was great!

& Cards Against Humanity, and this new game. I forget the name but it was so much fun.

***The photos at the top and bottom of this blog I took myself when I was at somebody else’s house. The one in the middle was taken by a member of Gateway during the picnic.

Title (7/31/18)

Working with someone I know, so that’s nice.



Not being a total piece of shit.



Just had a convo with a friend. And. well. it looks like I might have a very important announcement to make in about 3 or 4 months!

Stay tuned..

Emboldened Haters (03/01/18)

It saddens me to see just how emboldened and proud of their hatred alot of people have become.

97% of the hate I’ve received has been from people claiming to be “Christian” folk.

Let’s take a look at that word.


I don’t see where it says to take to the internet and spew hate from ones face-hole…

So, are these people “Christians”?

The short answer: no.

So, why do they think they are?

This big ol’ bag-o-douche..


He’s a terrible human. One of the worst our planet has ever produced. And stupid people flocked to him. They love him.

“He going to run the U.S. like a business, & fix what’s wrong with our country.” And “He’ll make America great again.”

Went their battle crys. And even when they lost the popular vote, they didn’t stop. They used the Electoral College to cheat the system and get this “fucking clown shoes” elected anyway.

This blow hard has said whatever he thinks his zombie followers want to hear. And it worked. They eat it up, and spew it out every chance they get.

I won’t go into all his lies, (this site) has done that for me.. please check that out..

I mostly wanna point out his lies and hate for the LGBTQIA community.

(Here) is the Newsweek article that does exactly that!!

Now the dumb masses that support this steaming pile of fecies see his erratic behavior, & think this is an acceptable way to behave.

To LIE and CHEAT to win, then hatefully bash others to show superiority..

Fuck Donald Trump!

Personally, I hope he gets fired (impeached) and indicted and prosicuted for all the ladies he’s sexually abused over the years.

This guy is the worst.

He’s human garbage.

And people NEED TO STOP emulating his erratic, and dangerous behavior.

That’s my 2 cents
